const config = require('./config')
module.exports = {
* @module log4jConfig
* @desc This module exports the log4j configuration options for the project
* @requires module:config
* @param {object} options These are various log options available
* @param {object} options.categories.default Wires up logging files for bot, errors and the console. Create with logger.getLogger()
* @param {object} options.categories.default.tweets Adds tweet log to everything else along with default category. Create with logger.getLogger('default.tweets')
options: {
appenders: {
tweetsLog: {
type: 'file',
filename: config.envVars.logDir + '/tweets.log',
keepFileExt: true,
maxLogSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
backups: 5,
compress: true,
flags: 'a+'
tweets: {
type: 'logLevelFilter',
level: 'INFO',
appender: "tweetsLog"
errorLog: {
type: 'file',
filename: config.envVars.logDir + '/botErrors.log',
keepFileExt: true,
maxLogSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
backups: 5,
compress: true,
flags: 'a+'
errors: {
type: 'logLevelFilter',
level: 'ERROR',
appender: "errorLog"
twitterBotLog: {
type: 'file',
filename: config.envVars.logDir + '/bot.log',
keepFileExt: true,
maxLogSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
backups: 5,
compress: true,
flags: 'a+'
logBot: {
type: 'logLevelFilter',
level: 'ALL',
appender: "twitterBotLog"
console: {
type: 'console'
categories: {
default: {
appenders: [
level: 'all'
'default.tweets': {
appenders: [
level: 'all'