Source: helpers/isBanned.js

 * @module helpers/isBanned
 * @desc Validates the tweet message looking for illegal words and terms, tossing out any matches it finds as bad tweets.
 * @param {object} tweet - Twitter message being brought in for evaluation.
 * @returns {Boolean} If any of the reply checks come back as true then return false otherwise return true that it is a reply. 
 * @requires module:config
 * @requires module:log4js
 * @requires module:log4jConfig

const config = require('../config')

// Start Logging
const log4jConfig = require('../log4jConfig')
const log4js = require('log4js')
const logger = log4js.getLogger('default.tweets')

// Set log levels to match user env file setting
logger.level = config.envVars.logLevel.toUpperCase()
logger.trace('📝 Starting to log: inBanned.js')

//** word is always the current word being tested, and if found is added to the logs when enabled.*/
let word
const isBanned = tweet => {
    logger.trace('🟢 Starting No Banned Words Validation')
    const BannedWords = require('./strings').blackListedRetweetWords
    logger.trace(`🔃 Reset to BannedWords Var to false`)
    let bannedWords = false
    logger.debug(`The bannedWords var is now: ${bannedWords}`)

    logger.trace('🕵️‍♂️ Checking Tweet')
    logger.debug('📝 Tweet being evaluated: ' + tweet.text)
    if (BannedWords.some(badWord => storeWordAndBind(tweet.text, badWord))) {
        logger.debug(`🚫 Banned Word Found: ${word}`)
        bannedWords = true
        logger.debug(`The bannedWords var is now: ${bannedWords}`)
        logger.trace('✌️ Dipping out to maybe find another tweet.')
    return bannedWords

 * @function storeWordAndBind
 * @desc Takes a tweet message and an illegal or banned retweet term and then looks to see if there is a match.
 * @param {string} text The tweet message to be evaluated.
 * @param {string} badWord The RegEx string to look for in the tweet.
 * @returns {Boolean} If the word is bad it returns true, otherwise returns false.
function storeWordAndBind(text, badWord) {
    config.envVars.traceStoreAndBind ? logger.trace('📦 Binding and storing strings') : ''
    let ret = false
    config.envVars.traceStoreAndBind ? logger.trace(`Word is currently: ${word}`) : ''
    config.envVars.traceStoreAndBind ? logger.trace(`Var badWord being evaluated is: ${badWord}`) : ''
    word = badWord
    config.envVars.traceStoreAndBind ? logger.trace(`Word is now: ${word}`) : ''
    config.envVars.traceStoreAndBind ? logger.debug(`Is this statement '${word}' found in: ${text}`) : ''

    if (text.match(word))
        ret = true

    config.envVars.traceStoreAndBind ? logger.debug(`ret in StoreWordAndBind is being sent back as: ${ret} where false is good news`) : ''
    return ret

module.exports = isBanned